I'm more Neanderthal
than the rest of you Homo sapiens
so perhaps this provides me
a little space to weigh in
on all this outrage and fake rage
discrimination and incrimination
incivility and harassment
behavior unbecoming humans
I did not choose
to be born ridiculously hairy
I've had people pet my arm
like I'm some kind of dog
comment on my fur
does this keep you warm?
I don't think anyone is born
wanting to be this way
no one ever uttered:
oh how I wish for hair on my hands
like some kind of monkey
there are no products
at the store
for people who want
to look this way
because, well ---
and let's leave it there
I think of the kids
born feeling their
gender is wrong
I endure the light hearted jokes
survived the Teen Wolf cracks
yet I'm still not comfortable
in my own skin
but I won't ever face laws
saying I can't wax or shave
no one is going to beat me
berate or belittle me
I think of the kids
brave enough to be
who they are inside
as much as I detest
my own pelt, second only
to a sea otter
self-deprecation a mechanism
of defense and survival
I'm not labeled
deemed a threat
no one is going to rape me
begrudge or judge me
I feel sorry for all those adults
who think of the kids
as the problem
adults who fear men in mascara
afraid of women with biceps
anyone with the balls
to be themselves
afraid of pronouns?
and let's not ignore
the elephant in the womb
a political party in drag
pushing laws their own
children don't support
dividing and inciting
can we do this one thing
and stop pretending?
we live in a world
where people are born different
this isn't new, this isn't news
no one is going to kill me
make it illegal to be me
not everyone can say that
too many kids can't say that
so, let this part Neanderthal poet
remind you what trans means:
across, beyond, to go beyond
can we do that?
go beyond this ignorance,
across the divide
to reach a place
of understanding, of compassion?
the kids deserve this
and beyond more
[April 27, 2023 #27 for National Poetry Month. Poem written in response to all the anti-trans legislation and fear mongering happening here in Alaska and across this country. ]